Sunday, May 10, 2009

Home-wrecker. Literally wrecks the house!

Argggh!  I won't be surprised if one day I come home and find out that I no longer have a house to live in.  Zoe is damn clumsy and very very very messy!  She likes to take things from the common area and hides it in her room for some weird reason.  Leaves her dirty and sweaty socks on the kitchen table and brushes her teeth on the kitchen sink without rinsing the excess toothpaste and her spit after.  So we're starting to have mildew and rust already.  She leaves her retainers in the dusty shelf without any container. (I feel like puking now...)  She breaks glass and other stuff one after another and makes up stories all the time which actually makes her look more stupid with all her fake and inconsistent alibis.  Nope she's not a kid, she's a professional who's older than me.  I just can't imagine how she behaves in the office.  Poor company!

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