Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saved by the bell?

Lucy finally got a job and I'm so happy for her. Few days later, I found out from Zoe that Lucy's boss is mistreating her and the position that was offered to her was just a cover-up. I got furious when I heard about that and during our conversation, Zoe, again proves to be inhuman. Here's how it went...

Moi: Hey! heard about the good news. Lucy's got a job!
Zoe: Yeah! But it's not really that good. The salary is too small.
Moi: It's fine, at least she will have enough to cover her expenses.
Zoe: I don't know. I think it's really stupid. Did you know she had to
pay the agency 2x her monthly salary for getting her that job?
Moi: Serious?!? That's weird... how come she needs to pay?
Zoe: And the employee will deduct 20% of her salary every month
for her uniform. Isn't it funny? hehehe
Moi: What the! Why would they do that? I thought she's an assistant
Zoe: That's the thing, she's not! They only said that in the interview.
She's just a waitress. (Smirking)
Moi: Oh my! That's bad, why didn't she mention this to us before?
We should have reviewed the contract first.
Zoe: Well, I actually did and I told her not to accept the job. But she
said, she doesn't have much of a choice. Which is kinda true and
I actually agree. Heehee!
Moi: Well yeah, but something fishy is going on. Why is Lucy
allowing them to do that to her? She needs some whacking so
she'll realize how bad they are treating her.
Zoe: Yeah I know! That's really stupid. hahaha! I would never do
something like that. It's so funny! You know? She even had to
take out the trash? Eeeeew! hahaha (annoying evil laugh)
Moi: You're funny, how can you laugh at her situation? I think she's
really in a bad spot right now you know...

and before she answered, my phone rang so I went inside my room and never came out. I'm not sure if she or I was saved by the bell. Saved her the time and effort to think of an answer/lie or saved me from hearing her atrocious response. But then again, I should probably give her the benefit of doubt. She might actually care for her and just doesn't know how to express herself properly. Although I really doubt giving her that benefit.

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