Thursday, August 13, 2009

She has the Midas touch... only, the other way around!

Probably everyone who had English subject in Elementary school knows the Myth about the touch of Midas. But for the sake of those who don't... Once upon a time, there was a King who was grumpy and greedy. The only thing that made him happy were his gold, he spends the day counting them again and again. One day, while he was busy counting his gold, a messenger was sent by the gods to grant him one wish. Without hesitating the King said, "I want everything I touch to turn into gold", and so it was granted. Everything he touched turned into gold, even her daughter. So there you have it, that's the story behind the Midas touch.

Zoe sort of has that kind of power, and I doubt that it came from the gods. But hers is kinda different in a way that everything she touches turns into trash or becomes broken or gets lost and all the worst things that could happen to a thing. You know what I mean! First thing she broke? Unfortunately, was my laptop.
2nd, the light bulb in our laundry room.
3rd, my favorite limited edition **** glass.
4th, her bathroom sink.
5th, her shower.
6th, the wall clock in the living room. (I really don't know how you can crack a clock without dropping it, so I guess it was really her touch)
7th, a mug where the handle just fell off. (which according to her was already like that when she saw it that night... lier!)
8th, her cellphone
9th, her friend's cellphone which she just borrowed.
10th, Lucy's spare cellphone which she demanded to be given to her. (so evil)

Well, I could keeping going on forever but I think you already get my point. So there... I just hope she doesn't touch me coz I don't want to turn into a shit. :p

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