Friday, June 5, 2009

Yup I ate it. Is that yours?

My sister visited and before she came, I asked her to buy 2 packs of a particular cracker that can only be bought overseas that my flatmate really likes.   I did ask her to buy it so I can give it to my flatmate.  Yes! I know! I know! And I agree with you, I also don't know why I'm still being nice to my flatmate.  Anyways, so I fetched my sister from the airport and we got home after midnight.  Zoe is already asleep so I just left the crackers on the table in the living room but I didn't leave a note.  The next morning, I saw that the crackers were already gone.  So she definitely took it and didn't even leave a note or send a text message to say thank you.

After dinner, my sister and I already went home since we have to leave really early the next day for our overseas trip.  Zoe is home... so I introduced her to my sister.  Then I asked her, "Did you see the crackers?".  And then she gave a shocked expression and didn't say a word for about 5 seconds.  Then she said, "Yup!  I took it!  Is that yours?".   Then I replied, "Yes, my sister brought it but I really asked her to buy it for you.".  "Oh really?  Thanks!  I already ate it!  Yummy!", she said.

I was like, what the hell is wrong with this girl?  The fact that she took it without asking me is really annoying.  I know I'm not supposed to get mad coz it's really for her.  But she just makes it so difficult for me to like her.  She doesn't have a sense of privacy or respect for other people's things. (I'm now taking deep breaths right this moment... to be able to finish this post).  So does that mean that everything I put in the common area is already a common property? After that, I never put anything in the kitchen nor the living room that is expensive or at least I don't want to share with her.  If I could only keep the microwave and the oven toaster in my room, I actually would.  hahaha!  But that just sounds so pathetic and selfish. Oh!  FYI, she took my luggage (which is quietly standing at the corner of the living room) and placed it inside the storage area of her room.  What the?!?  

Im thinking what if I put some of those rat poison in the kitchen... Nah!!! She might really eat it... Well, on second thought... they can't blame me if she's really stupid right?  

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